Museum Volunteers
Volunteers at the Woodinville Heritage Museum help make the history of our community more accessible. This is accomplished by docents who help visitors discover the rich heritage of the greater Woodinville Community through the exhibits we offer. It is also accomplished through being part of the team that creates the museum exhibits.
Community Outreach
Community outreach volunteers work to produce our Free Community Programs. This includes developing, scheduling, promoting and hosting a variety of public programs. These volunteers also assist in membership development and creating partnerships within our community.
Marketing & Fund Development
Marketing & Fund Development volunteers help developing fundraising opportunities, assist in fund raising events and in searching out and writing grants. Opportunities also include assisting in the production of The Homesteader, the society’s newsletter, as well as expanding our web presence on social media.
Membership & Correspondence
Volunteers help maintain records of membership, supporters, and visitors, print mailing labels, and maintain email lists.
Web Presence and Social Media
Volunteers help increase the Society’s visibility on the web using electronic media, including the website, Facebook, Instagram, and potentially other outlets by uploading articles, event notifications, and photographs.